Reflection 3
I have noticed many professors at Northwest that do not know how to maneuver the SMART Board and other new technologies such as the document camera. The digital divide between the professors and students truly does affect the learning environment. Professors will spend the first portion of class just trying to figure out how to get the technology working. It will take them several tries to get the PowerPoint displayed on the SMART Board projector.SO WHAT?
Because of the lack of fluency that professors have in new technologies, students become disconnected from the content and material of the lesson. Some students even lose the respect of professors, which results in professors losing control of their classroom.
Obviously, there is no way to keep up on all of the new technology, but a teacher should at least familiarize himself or herself enough with the technology to keep the flow of the classroom. Technology should not distract from learning, rather it should inspire and enhance learning. It is okay for a teacher to ask students' for help every once in awhile; however, it is important for teachers to do their very best to keep up with the technology times of their students. This is why I am so grateful for this class - Technology in Education.
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